The AGM is scheduled to be held on Wednesday 30th November in the Band Hall (next door to the Narraghmore Credit Union) in Narraghmore, County Kildare.
We aim to start at 20:00 (8 PM) and the meeting should last roughly 90 minutes. This will be the first ‘formal’ meeting of the Club and so we will discussing (and voting on!) a number of topics that would not usually be covered in detail. Please can you advise Tim Pullen via email or phone whether you will be attending as we will be providing food, drink and oxygen on the evening. If there are specific items that you would like to see discussed during the AGM please let Tim Pullen know as early as possible so that he can update the agenda.
Please note that as we are registering with the Revenue Commissioners as a not for profit organisation we are obliged to ensure that we have transparency in the goverance, finance and operations of the Association.
The AGM will be chaired by Seamus Buggle (Chairman). The current ‘interim’ Officials to resign and offer to stand again for 2017. Any member who wishes to stand for any role or volunteer for any activity/position should advise the Secretary in advance. All are welcome as there is more than enough work to be done to move the Club forward!
- Apologies for Absence – Chair
- Introduction from the Chair
- Agree Previous Minutes (none) – Secretary
- Actions Arising (none) – Secretary
- Chair’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Review, Agreement and Adoption of Association Aims & Constitution
- Review, Agreement and Adoption of Association Rules
- Review and Definition of Association Committees
- Review and Definition of Association Officials
- Election of Officials
- Election of Association Auditors
- Report on progress with Inland Fisheries – Chair
- Report on progress with Landowners permission – Landowner Liason Officer
- Report on website & club records – Secretary
- Junior Events & links to Schools, Foróige, Scouts etc. – Youth Development Officer (TBC)
- Report on the Environmental aspects of the River – Fishery Officer (TBC)
- Monthly Club Meetings – Topics, Dates and Locations – Events Officer (TBC)
- Winter Fishing Competition (Rathcon @ Grangecon) – Events Officer (TBC)
- Narraghmore Christmas / New Year Event – Events Officer (TBC)
- Date of Next AGM
Please note that the DRAFT Aims, Constitution and Rules are available and downloadable from the website. These are very much along the lines of a ‘straw man’ – so do not feel that they are cast in stone and connot be improved – we actively welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
Please pass on this information to anyone else who you think has a passion for fishing or might be interested in maintaining a beautiful river for future generations.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the Band Hall, Narraghmore on the 30th November.
Seamus Buggle
Tim Pullen
Amanda Finnegan