Please click here for a map of Beat 07 – R747 Bridge to Moone Bridge – Members Only
Please Note : Access to Beat 7 is currently under review and fishing will be primarily from the top of the Beat (R747 Bridge) and downstream for approximately 1.8 Km. The pictures below show a temporary access point.
There will be access points identified shortly along this top stretch. Signage will soon be in place on Beat 7 showing exactly the extent of the fishing.
The bottom end of Beat 7 (from Moone Bridge upstream for approximately 1Km) is closed to fishing. Signs will be put up and Club Members are asked to respect all landowners concerned.
This section of the river will remain closed for access and fishing until further notice.
Please do not use Moone Bridge, local driveways or gates to gain access to the river or to travel upstream.
We are in the process of agreeing access points further upstream and Members will be advised of the details.
A section of the river approximately 1K upstream from Moone Bridge (beyond the cattle pastureland) and beyond will be open for fishing and signage will be put in place that clearly marks this section out.
If you are found fishing the lower stretch of Beat 7 (upriver from Moone Bridge for approximately 1 Km.) you will be in breach of the Club rules.
There is plenty of the river available elsewhere – please treat landowners as you would wish to be treated yourself.
Walking the top end of Beat 7 – down from the Bridge.