Attention all Anglers
Due to the confirmed outbreak of the Crayfish Plague on the River Suir stretching from Clonmel to Carrick on Suir, Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) have issued this request.
All anglers are requested to take precautions to limit the spread of Crayfish Plague within the Suir and prevent its spread to other river catchments.
The white clawed crayfish is a protected species and the juveniles are very important as fish food.
Please do the following after fishing.
- Thoroughly check all angling equipment for muck & vegetation. Clean, dry and disinfect your equipment with Vircon or Milton Fluid. Washing with hot water > 40 Degrees Celcius is also advisable for your equipment. Alternatively drying your equipment for 48 Hours is useful.
- This is a highly contagious disease. Please avoid moving equipment to other catchments such as the Nore, Barrow, Blackwater and all other waters.
- It is best practice to Check, clean and dry all angling equipment after use regardless of what type of angling was undertaken.
- Please notify visiting anglers.
Thank you for your co –operation.
This message is going out to all partaking in river based activities, angling, kayaking, canoeing and other forms of boating.
John Flynn
Assistant Inspector – Angling Information Officer
Iascach Intíre Éireann
Inland Fisheries Ireland
Tel +353 (0)52 6180055
Fax: +353 (0)52 6123971
Mobile: +353 (0) 87 2538450
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