The Tanyard has recently been renovated and opened by the local Tanyard Community and Susan Waters has also invited us to consider using another part of the buildings for the angling club. Seamus Buggle and myself were invited down to the Tanyard at Ballitore to help with a little gentle weeding and to have a chat with Susan. Now this looks like fun!
Our initial enthusiasm was quickly squashed as we were then somewhat surprised to be met ‘on site’ by several enthusiasts wielding sledge hammers, power tools, industrial cleaners, mini diggers and the like! Chief villain amongst them was one of the latest recruits to the club (Francis Korning) who was cheerfully knocking down doors and fences and generally getting stuck in!
Needless to say we pretended that we knew exactly what was going on and tried our very best to hide. (I must say the the Tanyard cafe was splendid! – fresh sandwiches, cakes and steaming hot cups of tea and coffee were readily available – myself and Seamus left a few for the workers to enjoy as well). Now – where is that butter?
Unfortunately in my shock I forgot to take any of the ‘before’ photo’s – so here are some pictures to show you the clean up in progress.
This is Father Seamus – ‘The fish was just resting in my car….’
Several bucketloads later!
Inside and Outside
and finally – time to beat a hasty retreat before the Garda arrive!! Oh! hello he’s already here….
Just what was Seamus doing in there with a watering can, rubber gloves and Brendan’s truncheon? Irish water-boarding? Well – it was torture for some of us!
OK – a couple more pictures – here is the back of the building looking at it from the bank of the river (opposite Glambia)…. and then looking along the river.
And yes – this all needs to be cleared up as well!